First order of business: if you ordered something (ECHO CHAMBER / WRECKAGE / AW Merch) it's been in the mail. Secondly thanks for the reception to all of that, we can’t do it without you..well we might be able to but it would create an even more dire financial situation than already exists in our lives.
NEW SHIT: We got some excellent hxc printed matter in the store right now, shout out to our collaborators (Bart da Flex, XJOSHX, and myself yo.) Read further for write-ups and more info or just buy them and figure it out for yourself.
As far as upcoming business…the most important revelation in Scheme history thus far awaits you on January 1st, 2023 in the form of the WRECKAGE - Our Time “LP” (I don't actually know what denotes an LP but it's got 81 new songs and a B side of slightly less new songs, plenty of bang for your dwindling bucks) but yeah big deal for us / the band / hopefully a loyal faction of youz people. Expect some incredible REAL HC, the kind everyone pretends they miss when they’re trying to shit on pointy guitar metal - core. Further expectations: a nice layout done here at Scheme HQ, maybe a poster, a probably very fair retail price, and most importantly no weird vinyl colors…this isn’t the circus.
I’m not gonna detract from the importance of the WRECKAGE LP with a myriad of details and specifics about Scheme - 06 but because we don’t know what's good for us, the Scheme Comp will be available one way or another in the foreseeable future. Featuring some incredible HC by the likes of ALMIGHTY WATCHING, DEAD LAST, ECHO CHAMBER, GRAND SCHEME, BURNING LORD and more…like I said, it's not the time for this business but maybe next dispatch well have all our plans settled and be able to give you the insight you so desperately need.
Now for housekeeping bits: WRECKAGE and the almighty ECHO CHAMBER play FYA in January, then WRECKAGE takes on Boston with the GORILLA BISCUITS, than the Scheme faction represents at the Hardcore Pride weekend thrown by Plead Your Case and From Within…and lastly AW and WRECKAGE are back in CT again with the GORILLA BISCUITS and SOUL BLIZIND..sure to be a bang up gig…we’ll have commerative t shirts and WIDE AWAKE covers.
ADDITIONAL MATTER: WRECKAGE is planning a short tour for the spring so if you’re interested in seeing them in your city reach out at
Scheme correspondents and conspirators mobbed up at the premier emotional hxc event of the year: the defacto record release for ANXIOUS's first LP - Little Green mf House.
After eating some mid ramen + bao buns and joking off outside the venue next to a dumpster2, it was time for WRECKAGE to bust the (state) house down. Their set popped and was appreciated by all different walks of life.....coremen, emos, adults in teletubbie costumes, and more. We will continue to shill and pump this band until the record drops, so this is just the beginning. The set was captured by Scheme media intern Mike Marazzo - enthrall yourself and take a peep:
Fellow CT / Western Mass3 Schemers RESTRAINING ORDER were up next.....arguably the best current band in hardcore? They sounded tight as well and you can tell they've been on the road for a bit now after their full US that just ended...the set was awesome, I'm sure that RO has had bad sets but I've never seen one. The world needs LP 2.....
ARMS LENGTH......I don't think any of us watched and we continued chilling near dumpster sesh. You don't go full emo.
The ANXIOUS set was great, albeit a little bit too long...but who am I to judge, the crowd was stoked to hear it and I just wanted to hit Mamoun’s after the show. They pull off the sound good and I think the record stands on its own compared to some of their cheesy contemporaries. The highlight of the night was walking into the downstairs moments and announcing that Alex SOH had in fact found a raffle ticket on a table and won the bespoke hand-painted Little Green mf Guitar that was being raffled off. Lore has it that some girl spent $200 trying to win it. Jokes on u mothafucka.
“Soup was good, hanging out by the dumpster was peak, WRECKAGE was old school world wide, R.O good, more parking lot, ANXIOUS good shit, Mamouns also good“ - Kyle Scheme Review
LIFETIME - Background
LAND OF TALK - Some Are Lakes
DEATH BELLS - Standing At The Edge Of The World
WORLD COLLAPSE - Deutschland Deutschland! Into the Night & Frost/Casket
ICEPICK - Goldrush
Very rarely does hardcore yield unsolicited emails that you’re actually excited to read but it does happen…it’s usually about zines in my experience. In this instance, it was one from an HC scholar known simply as “Bart from Belgium here. A.K.A. to friends and foes as thefleX. or bartthefleX”
Blogger, poster, and author of a zine that I’ve had an affinity for from the second I pulled it from a box of zines being given away at a fargone AHC of yesteryear. The Ghent Decontrol is 5ish issues of cut-and-paste perfection straight out of the fertile hc grounds of mid-2ks Belgium, what we’re offering in conjunction with Bart is the 5th and final installment of the series. Issue 5 was a tell-all on the undertold NYHC bands, even now in the hell age where everyone knows everything about everything this zine still rings like a bell with hidden history and forgotten lore
Reformatted for the USHC crowd but presented in its full and uncensored form, this is not for the weak..80 full-size pages so you know it’s ACTUAL content from that amount of dedication. We’re planing to do a one pager interview with barttheFlex that will be included in orders / a future newsletter installment as well.
Proceeds from the sale of these will be donated to Matt Summer's medical costs/fundraiser. You can find more information and how to help via the link here:
This zine is fresh off the press as of like a month ago via sunny Pensacola from Josh Statement.
Featuring interviews with LIVE IT DOWN, BURNING STRONG, and MOMENT OF TRUTH (witness the hottest take for yourself). Previously this zine was only offered as a free newsletter and we as supporters of the written word thought it was too good to not offer it to the rest of the world. Good interviews, great layout, and that unyielding passion for the core that I feel rapidly depleting from my bones every single day…what more could you want?
For better or worse I make a lot of flyers and personally I think some are pretty good. Flyers have always had a disposable nature but even furthered by our disposable age a lot of these don’t get much air time and a lot of the time never even get printed. With encouragement from friends and more importantly other people who make flyers (Buske/Pete/Etc etc) I decided these are worth collecting into some kind of publication. I should probably have more info to give you about this considering its on sale now but you’ll just have to take my word that's it worth the price of admission.
Editors note: I thought it was 7 songs??
The ideal post-up spot outside a show? At least the top 3.
Pat needs to formally accept that between L*mpy and Dylan that they're unofficially a Long Island band now and need to announce it as such .... shout outs to my boy RED.
Have you ever read infinite jest?