As dawn breaks on the eve of the unholiest of sabbaths...yes of course.. the Burning Lord “Arcane Demolition” LP release show at the world regarded MIDDLE EAST (UPSTAIRS). SCHEME is proud, and dare I say delighted (in the most stoic way possible...of course) to present through no effort of our own… THE NEXT LEVEL.
Artwork by @couple2tree
Hardcore from the North East USA…featuring some of my personal favorite modern day minds on the scene. What we got here is hardcore being played like MEANSTREAK throwing IN COLD BLOOD down the stairs with the CRO MAGS rockin on the phone speaker bouncing out of your pocket on the way down. That’s just one lowly editors way of seeing things after a long day of slinging drywall mud. You take the ride and listen yourself. Ideally from now till 5 PM show time you listen 15-20 times...learn some of the words, maybe brush up on a couple of tasteful moves, get that WarZone shirt out of storage and leave the Osiris’s at home and hit it like its your first … or last show ever.
Recorded..Mixed..Mastered by CHAZ at The Source, New Haven Connecticut
Now that the niceties have been dispensed, time to editorialize for the sake of the scene. Earlier when I said “through no effort of our own” I meant that The Next Level didn’t need anything from us. They knew what they wanted to do, they wrote music, got art made, drafted up a J card (for a tape that idk when you’ll be able to buy), uploaded that music for you to listen to … were just here to represent people playing HARDCORE … because that’s what its all about. THE NEXT LEVEL DEMO OUT NOW..MAYBE PHYSICALLY THROUGH MAKE THE CLAIM RECORDS (AMSTERDAM) MOSTLY ON THE INTERNET BUT ALSO LIVE IN BOSTON 9/28 (TODAY)
Lets take a second and ruminate on this show, You’ve got a celebration of the absolute and uncontested full length album of the year ARCANE DEMOLITION, all reinforced by hc lifer squadrons from up and down the I-91 / 95 / 90 / 84 corridor all going down at the stadium. With the show being launched into orbit by not 1 bands first show but 2 … With Hate featurin C4 and the coward P*** J*****and The Next Level who you already read about enough. Nothing more hardcore than this today.
Cutdown records should be in America this week.. and will ship when we’ve got the time. (IM KIDDING THEYRE GUNNA SHIP SOON!!!)
Wreckage AND Cutdown both have record release shows October 12th.. what a coincidence. Record release covers and free Scheme shirts tentatively available at the events in celebration of Intl. Scheme Day .. a celebration of moderately attended hardcore shows and middling record sales.
Mortal Form will be on tour next month, new songs in tow.. more info soon..