First and foremost, Happy New Year to all the Schemers reading this. We hope you thrive and prosper in this upcoming year. We’ll keep this short and sweet since we’ve been promoting it for months and you’ve read the title of this email: the new WRECKAGE record is out. We’re extremely stoked about it and think you should be too. In the miasma that is current hardcore, we think that it is a breath of fresh air for the everyman core kid who just wants something fast and fun, played by people who care.

The record is up on our Bandcamp and streaming on all services (Spotify, Apple Music, UFC Fight Sounds).
Records are available in our store now via the link here. Clear Blue variants are sold out online, but more copies will be available from the band once the records are in hand. At the time of this writing, a limited amount of Clear Orange (L.E.S.C. 7” style) and a lot of Black copies are available online still. For our European supporters, our friends at MerchPit are taking preorder copies in their store. You can check that out here. Finally, we felt it would be dope to make a big-ass 24” x 36” poster like the old Revelation ones. Get one and frame it in your office or next to your tapestry in your dorm room.
S/O: Wreckage, Chaz Torok, Conor McAuffile, Cody Ganzer, Agatha Hueller, Ryan Bulkley, and arguing about whether if this is technically an EP or LP at 1AM.
While we have you here…..we’ll elaborate further into it in the next week or so but the next major release we’ll be doing is the Scheme Until It’s Your Reality compilation, featuring the creme de la creme of current hardcore.
Thank you for an eventful 2022 at Scheme Enterprises. Here is to an even better 2023.
-Kyle & Chris