No news is good news, right?
Scheme..still holding on strong. Despite the silence on our part, things are rolling and shuffling and new releases are coming soon. Go figure mailing 700 records over the course of a couple months wears you down and makes you question it all but we sincerely thank those who believe. Until it’s time to talk about new shit, here’s a play by play all SCHEME affiliated artists at large.
ALMIGHTY WATCHING - New songs are written, a new member has been acquired and a new release of some kind if on the horizon. Also playing a cool SCHEME cosigned show in CT featuring Revelations PRAISE on June 12th.
SEARCH FOR PURPOSE - Not much in the way of SFP news, MAGNITUDE will be spending the summer in Europe on two separate tours but SFP does have a song on the new One Scene Unity comp (yes…already).
WRECKAGE - ALSO have a new song on the One Scene Unity comp but no news otherwise.
Stay posted for future newz in the coming weeks…
As mentioned earlier, we got a Scheme co-presented event going down on Sunday, June 12th in beautiful Wallingford, CT:
An old school mixed bill with a little bit of somethin for everyone. We both can’t wait to hear the PRAISE record in full when it drops.
Some cohorts and fellow Schemers shall be playing on the Triple B Euro Extravaganza, sponsored by Monster coming to a squat near you. You might even catch one of us in attendance on the tour and maybe…just maybe, you might see something special if you’re nice.
CHAMBERLAIN - Fates Got A Driver
HIGH VIS - No Sense No Feeling
PUSHA T - It's Almost Dry
TERRORZONE -Â Self Realization...
THE FLEX - Chewing Gum For Ears
The (Dark) Empire Strikes Back…Integrity / Star Wars
After seeing that Relapse was going to release another version of some INTEGRITY records later this year, I saw a comment online comparing Dwid to George Lucas - he cannot stop remastering, retracking and rereleasing previous records he has done…akin to how George could not stop going back and making changes to the original Star Wars trilogy. In honor of it being May 4th and after doing some digging on Discogs, we’ve prepared for you a dialogue of the many (but not all!) different versions and releases of INTEGRITY’s 1991 seminal classic, Those Who Fear Tomorrow.
Those Who Fear Tomorrow - 1991 - Dutch East India Trading
Where it all started. You have artwork from the homie Bosch and an immaculate sound and vibe that’ll be lifted by fellow coremen for years to come, yet wasn’t quite bastardized by the populace of weirdo metal door guys that love CURSED for whatever reason. I imagine the first time someone heard Dwid say ‘Micha’ was akin to hearing the drum roll of the 20th Century Fox theme and knowing that you’re about to see some shit. I’d like to also note that in my head cannon, I view Chubby Fresh as the Han Solo equivalent: from a young, charismatic rogue to the haggard junk dealer & smuggler in The Force Awakens (the real life equivalent is just him shilling pro-Trump and racist merch at an Ohio mall and getting the boot).
…And Those Who Still Fear Tomorrow - 1996 - Toybox
I can’t find this online nor am I going to try too hard, our editor overlords are breathing down our necks to get these pieces out. I’m viewing this as the laser disc version of the trilogy, often fabled as perhaps the best means to experience the record but not as easily accessible.
Those Who Fear Tomorrow 25th Anniversary Remix - 2016 - Magic Bullet
This release, in conjunction with the Organized Crime release a handful of years earlier, is probably the most accessible and common way to hear Those Who Fear Tomorrow in current times. Even this version of the artwork is probably now most synonymous with the release. With that in mind, I’d compare it to the ‘97 VHS releases of the original trilogy, which is how I imagine most people viewed the films after the initial release. It just makes sense, like how the original deleted scene from A New Hope of Jabba portrayed as a fat, jolly Englishmen was later adjusted to be a CGI version that was placed into the re-releases - the packaging and presentation on this version of Those Who Fear Tomorrow just work.
Those Who Fear Tomorrow: Unmixed - 2019 - Backbite Records
I haven’t listened to this until now and damn, this is actually pretty dope. The ride cymbal being so high gets annoying overtime though. I think this release is interesting: we’ve been presented with everything that was recorded and left on the table for us to consume. Members of the production staff on A New Hope was saved in the editing process after filming, however, after listening to this version of Those Who Fear Tomorrow you can hear how powerful the record already was without any mixing.
Those Who Fear Tomorrow (Arthur Rizk Remaster) - 2022 - Relapse
This isn’t bad but upon first listen it’s too polished and doesn’t feel right. All the players involved with the release are some of the current best at their craft so it’s not BAD but just doesn’t feel like it needed to be done, like adding in the weird dance number in Return of the Jedi with that furry guy and the dancers. Why do you gotta have the fella from SEPULTURA do different drum takes on only a handful of songs? Let Max Rebo (the stand in for us, the listener) just vibe in peace to Judgement Day in the palace and stop changing & adding shit.